
Showing posts from August, 2017


The Rules of Reaping A Harvest There’s nothing better than the thrill of harvest time! If you’ve ever been in a town where crops have recently been harvested and sold at a good price, you know the streets are full of joyful people. Everyone is smiling and shouting greetings to each other. They are busy enjoying the fruits of their labor! That’s the way we, as seed-sowing believers, ought to be today. We should have our “reaping” faith in gear and our minds on the harvest. Yet, we seem to have concentrated on the sowing process without giving a thought to how the harvest will come in. Jesus is the Lord of the Harvest. He called Himself that in Luke 10:2 . The problem is, many believers don’t take their faith to the harvest. They’ve gotten stuck instead on the seed-sowing part. They say, “I just keep sowing…and sowing…and sowing, but nothing is happening.” Why do some believers seem to reap a grand harvest, while others are left wondering what happened? It’s simple